About Business Network
DCAF is a Swiss foundation with broad international support, established in 2000 on the initiative of the Swiss government. Along with its sister centres GICHD and GCSP, DCAF is headquartered in the ‘Maison de la Paix’ in the heart of International Geneva.
The Foundation Council is the supreme body of the DCAF Foundation which determines DCAF’s strategic direction. It includes 53 members representing 50 countries and the Canton of Geneva. Kirsi Henriksson (Finland) assumed the Presidency of DCAF’s Foundation Council in 2020.
The Bureau of the Foundation Council is chaired by the President and is composed of 4 – 6 other Foundation Council members. It prepares Council decisions and manages the current affairs of the Foundation, unless such affairs have been delegated to the DCAF Director. The Director is responsible for the operational, financial, and administrative management of the Centre under the strategic guidance of the Foundation Council and the Bureau. Ambassador Nathalie Chuard (Switzerland) has been Director since March 2023.